Credit Opportunities Fund

Established in 2023, the Credit Opportunities Fund aims to generate strong risk-adjusted returns from opportunistic property finance transactions with active management to limit downside risk.
The Fund is closed to new investment.
Target net investor IRR
The Fund targets an net investor IRR of approximately 15% over the term.
12-month net investor IRR
The Fund's current risk profile is materially lower than anticipated.
(As at 31 December 2024)
Capital deployed
The Fund's capital was deployed across 10 investments. During the quarter, two investments were fully repaid.
(As at 31 December 2024)
Five-year investment term
With the option to extend an additional two years.
Majority independent Investment Committee
Highly credentialled banking professionals, ensuring strict credit and governance standards.
Preferred access for Fund investors
Co-invest directly in CVS Lane’s quality pipeline of property first mortgage, second mortgage and equity investment opportunities.